It Came from the Lightbox: Royal Beastflayers

Lots I’m happy about with these guys, despite them coming out quite a bit greener than I’d expected.

Really, I’d have liked to have painted these guys ivory, but since they’re covered in bone… that’d be a mistake. Went with green but the green is intense enough that they look a little Orky to me. The hair, though, and the flayed skin? Very, very happy with those.

It Came from the Lightbox: Battletech Essentials

Felt like spicing things up, so I knocked out a couple of ‘mechs – Yen Lo Wang and Legend-Killer from the Battletech Essentials box.

I’m happy enough with them, despite them being weird. It’s bizarre to me that YLW, explicitly Capellan (read: unsubtly coded as Chinese in the most problematic way) has a giant Imperial Japanese rising sun on it. Legend Killer has the most ridiculous blue edge lining that came out better than I expected but still manages to be very goofy.

They’re done, though.

It Came from the Lightbox: WAAGHBusters

Testament to how nuts November has been that I’m only now getting around to posting my Orktober project: some Orks from PuppetsWar.


This is what I’m working on:

My fun Orktober side project has become my consume all of Orktober project. Not quite done yet, either: two Squiglers (above) to go.

Finally: “Yes… ha ha ha… yes!”

It Came from the Lightbox: Ghostbusters

This is most of the Crooked Dice 7TV Horror Starter Pack / Paranormal Exterminators #1 pack. I didn’t bother photographing the other ghosts that came in it, because they’re nothing special (a clown, a headless guy, a spooky pumpkinhead guy)

These guys were a lot of fun to paint: going from so many detailed and ornate GW sculpts to simple minis (which I classify as “historical” in my mind), was a breath of fresh air.

Bases are boring but I didn’t want to wait for a base STL KS to deliver before proceeding with these guys.

I painted Slimer with fluorescents, as well as a couple of lights on the ‘Busters. Wish I’d thought to get his teeth reactive; that’d have been fun.

It Came from the Lightbox: Exiled Dead

I had a lot more fun painting these guys than I expected! Deintalos didn’t come together quite right, but those zombies really were a blast.