Painting Progress – 20090420

Didn’t bother taking any pictures for this past week’s work: very little is picture worthy.

I finished a third (and final, until I pick up another box of them tomorrow) rank of Haradrim spearmen, got about halfway through a first rank of Haradrim archers, assembled six more Mahud warriors (though I’ve got another 12 still waiting in blisters) and did most of the assembly of five Mahud Raiders.

I should be getting an order of more stuff for * of the Rings in the next couple of days. This is good, because once it’s assembled, I’ll be able to start taking clumsy stabs at low-level games of War of the Ring. It’s unfortunate, however, because right now I’d much rather be painting stuff than feeling like I have to grind through assembling a bunch of stuff. At least by next week I should be able to play respectable games of Skirmish of the Rings fully painted.