Monthly Archives: April 2014

Wednesday Workbench

Wednesday Workbench 20140423


These guys will (probably) be run as Pagan Rus in Saga. I’m super-pumped about the Warlord I’ve converted who’ll be choking some poor Viking bastard to death.

Kinda goofy, kinda cool, and it’s painting up extremely fast.  I was deeply tempted to go a different angle: head-swap in some skulls, make the armor realistic looking and weather the balls out of it… but really, this needs to just be painted as fast as I really can.  A goofy, cheapish side-project I can bang out and move on from.

Still waiting on the Agema Velites that have been slow-boating it (5 weeks, augh!) that’ll be Levies, but this is me painting 29 models at the same time. To distract me from the overwhelming heap of other stuff that needs to be done. If you’re not playing Saga, you really should be.

Workbench Wednesday

Workbench Wednesday 20140409


Varnish is on the Chovar Psychic, which means I’m pretty much done with Deadzone for now.  All of the Plague, Rebs, and Mercs I have are painted.  Marauders are going to sit untouched for now.  Enforcers didn’t really show up.  Terrain is going to wait for Wave 2, I think.

Not exactly sure what I’ll start working on next, but it’ll come from here: MacReady, wrapping up the Valkyrie, progress on Saga Anglo-Danes, finishing up my Muskets & Tomahawks conversions.   Somethin’.