Finally got the head for my Hellpit Abomination last night: I had to trade an armored dragon’s head for an unarmored one.
That accomplished, I quickly prepped and glued it last night. This afternoon, I glued it onto the body.
The head is from the Hight Elf Dragon kit; the tongue is a spike from the Chaos Spawn kit. The body belongs to a Stegadon and the arms are, quite clearly, from Rat Ogres. The tail is a tentacle from the Lifeleech Otyugh I’d originally planned on using as my Abomination.
As you can tell, I’m going to need a great deal of greenstuff to make this work: to fill gaps and add hair. I’ll also have to do a bit of sculpting: I’ll need to extend the rings of the tail up onto the model a bit, lengthen the claws to be wicked and ratty and sculpt some ears.