After painting the Clash for the Cure High Elf, I kinda felt like I was on a roll painting pink. It’s so striking. It’s bright and pops out at you: the vast majority of models out there tend to be dark, drab and (frankly) boring to look at at table-distance. Even my Skaven are starting to run that way, you know?
So, that obviously let me into painting up a counter piece to the elf: the Skaven Warlord from Island of Blood.
There’s not nearly as much pink on him as there is on the Elf, but I think it’s a little more interesting. Each pink feature’s a little different in the way I pulled it together.
I still need to paint something on the banner: I need to figure out what. It’ll either be a glyph-like ribbon symbol, some sort of runic “FUCK CANCER” or “RATS FOR THE CURE” (which I think is brilliant). Probably some combination of that. I wanted to get the model varnished first, though: so I could paint whatever without worrying about wiping off work and so I could go ahead and photograph the mini.
He’ll probably go in as my BSB at the Clash for the Cure.