Khornate Daemon Lists

Given that I had to bump the list up to 2K for March 20th, as well needing to swap out the Soul Grinders for… something else, I’ve done some thinking about my lists.

My 1,750 list has been unchanged.  Part of me looks at all the scary new psychic powers that these new codices have… but then the other part of me tells me that Blessing of the Blood God really wouldn’t be as useful as it should be (since it only works for wounds).

Chaos Daemons – 1,750 points


Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne, Instrument of Khorne

Bloodletters x16 – Icon of Khorne
Bloodletters x8 – Icon of Khorne

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x8 – Karanak, Fury of Khorne
Flesh Hounds x8 – Fury of Khorne

Heavy Support
Soul Grinder – Phlegm
Soul Grinder – Phlegm

My 1,850 list is identical to my 1,750 list.  100 points just isn’t enough to buy another unit, so I have to throw more points at the units I have.

Chaos Daemons – 1,850 points

Bloodthirster – Death Strike, Unholy Might
Bloodthirster – Death Strike, Unholy Might

Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne, Instrument of Khorne

Bloodletters x16 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne
Bloodletters x8 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x8 – Karanak, Fury of Khorne
Flesh Hounds x8 – Fury of Khorne

Heavy Support
Soul Grinder – Phlegm
Soul Grinder – Phlegm

My 2,000 point list is considerably rougher.  For one, I’m swapping out the Soul Grinders with which I’m very comfortable and happy for Daemon Princes I’ve never put on the table.  Furthermore, besides the Daemon Princes, I really don’t want to add any new models: I’ve got my eye on shifting from running mono-God to something more… ecumenical, while sticking with the Khornate theme.  That will involve some fun conversions and such… none of which I’m permitting myself to think about until I’m done with this mess.

The Daemon Princes I’m not particularly happy with.  They’re loaded up with a bunch of crap that gets them up to 170 points a pop.  That’s the same cost for a Winged Daemon Prince with Iron Hide, which I think would probably be considerably more useful… but I don’t think I can run them ’cause I can’t think of a way to model them this side of ordering Tyranid Warrior Wings, which is cost-prohibitive.  Also, I’m kinda-sorta holding out for the plastic Daemon Prince kit.  I’d run them cheaper… but I don’t have anything else on which to spend the points.

So, that leaves me with:

Chaos Daemons – 2,000 points

Bloodthirster – Death Strike, Unholy Might
Bloodthirster – Death Strike, Unholy Might

Bloodcrushers x4 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne, Instrument of Khorne

Bloodletters x16 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne
Bloodletters x8 – Fury of Khorne, Icon of Khorne

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x8 – Karanak, Fury of Khorne
Flesh Hounds x8 – Fury of Khorne

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince – Mark of Khorne, Death Strike, Instrument of Chaos, Iron Hide
Daemon Prince – Mark of Khorne, Death Strike, Instrument of Chaos, Iron Hide
Daemon Prince – Mark of Khorne, Death Strike, Instrument of Chaos, Iron Hide

There’s a lot of room for improvement with the 2K list, but it’ll get me to where I need to be for the time being and it should, hopefully, be a fun list to play.  Then, come April, it’ll be time to look to diversification.