Infinity – Alexandria 3 Rounder

I got out to my first Infinity Tournament this past weekend.  The event was organized via the local NoVA Infinity Gaming FB Group The event was run at a school, which was pretty cool: the space was perfect for a couple dozen people, and they had pigs in a pen just outside.

I went in expecting to get my teeth kicked in and, in fact, did get my teeth kicked in, so mission accomplished. The important thing is, though, is that everyone I played with was super supportive and helpful and I can absolutely walk back how events played out in each game to mistakes I’d made (and in one place, a few key dice rolls that had a greater impact than any mistakes).  Really, that’s all I could ask for.

It was a great time and, as I’d said, everyone was super supportive and helpful, and I’m looking forward to seeing these folks at future events.

I ran Corregidor, with the following lists: List A, List B

Round 1 was against a Vanilla Nomad list; Justin ran kind of a camo spam list.  I feel like I held my own here OK… even though I didn’t actually accomplish any of the objectives. Bran do Castro really did some damage.

Round 2 was against Vanilla Ariadna.  Len had a ton of light infantry.  Duroc popped in and, even though I was ready for Van Zandt to show up and make life difficult, he just kept making rolls and I kept failing ’em.  The dang werewolf ended up killing about a third to a half of my army alone.

After that, I ran the Iguana around with something resembling impunity.  It wasn’t effective, but it felt good.

Round 3 was against… J?  I’ve forgotten his name, unfortunately.  He was running Tohaa. I got to more mobile than usual time time around, but paid for it: overextended with the wrong units, was too cautious with the wrong units. Even dumped a bunch of orders into accomplishing  a Classified Objective… that I didn’t have!

In the end, I was 0, 1, and 3 Objective Points across the three games… but they were all good games and I had a great time.  Definitely pumped for more Infinity and definitely pumped for the table I ordered a couple of weeks ago from Shark Mounted Lasers to show up.