Double-Vampire – v. The act of going way overboard on something that you had no idea you even needed/wanted a few days ago.
I shouldn’t have to mention the Reaper Kickstarter by this point. You should know about it and should have already contributed to it. It’s really bypassed Ludicrous Speed at this point.
When Reaper announced that the option to take a pass on the Sophie model in exchange for a $25 credit… things got even more nuts. What was 210 models (at the time of this writing) at $.47/model became 209 models at $.35/model.
That’s when people started talking about double-vampiring, because doubling down on a bullshit insane ridiculously good deal seems pretty reasonable.
I ran the numbers. I’d already planned on ordering extras of a few sets included in the Vampire set: the Townsfolk sets, Dungeon Dressing, and Swamp Things. Rolling their costs and shaving off the Sophie and an add-on or two that I like but don’t love puts a second Vampire level effectively at paid for.
I slept on it. This morning, I decided I’m not going to double-vampire.
It really is a stupid good deal, and you really should 1) throw in on this thing and 2) double-vampire.
What’s keeping me from doing it? I’ll enumerate the reasons:
1650 IndieGoGo
- Pro Starter Packs x2 (4 minis each)
- Terrain (5 minis)
- Extramuros 05
- Vecino
- Gentilhombre
- Volatinero
- Bust of the Guard
- Leviathan Crusader x1
- Orcs
- Krudger on Gore
- Orc Flagger
- Ax Orcs x60
- Greatax Orcs x20
- Morax Orcs x10
- Boar Riders x20
- Goblins
- Goblin Archers x80
- Goblin Warriors x60
- Goblin Spearmen x40
- Goblin War-Trombones x3
- Goblin Mawbeast Pack x10
- Goblin Sneek
- Goblin and Mawbeast
- Fleabag Riders x10
- Snotling Mincer x2
- Snotlings x3
- Werewolves x6
- Vampire x1 (209 minis)
- Mind Your Manors (3 minis)
- Demons (2 minis)
- Deathsleet
- Pathfinder Red Dragon
- Clockwork Dragon
- Frost Wyrm
- Deep Dwellers (5 minis)
- Nethyrmaul
- Hydra
- Extra Townsfolk (5 minis)
- Extra Townsfolk II (4 minis)
- Extra Dungeon Dressing (5 minis)
- Extra Swamp Things (4 minis)
- Watch Captain Whistlelock
- Robert of Carlisle
- Aenglish Watch x4
- Dire Wolves x3
- Biohazard (99 minis)
- Terrain Pack (4 minis)
- Dr Susan Ridley
- Ramirez
- Engineer Niven Banks
- Hexen Phaedrus
- Calamity Crew x12
- Baby AI Drones x18
- THI Carapvace
So, at the time of this post (it will likely change: Reaper has a frankly terrifying velocity, and 1650 has 5 days to raise another ~$700), that’s 737 minis that Kickstarter and IndieGoGo has coming my way.
In a word: Fuck.
That’s a dangerous amount. If I double-vampired, it’d be scraping close to 1,000. I don’t how good a deal it is: crowdfunding already has me reaching beyond my grasp with projects.
(I plan on referring to this page every time I’m tempted to up a pledge. Those Eisenkern Stormtroopers might look amazing, for example, but 737. STAY STRONG.)