As successful as the 40K Battle for the Cure has been, the Fantasy guys ’round Chantilly will be running a Fantasy event with similar goals: Clash for the Cure.
I imagine I’ll participate, since it’s an important cause… though I don’t expect it to be as successful as the BftC. For one, the 40K community in the greater area is significantly larger than the Fantasy one. And, while Game Vault’s been extremely generous and supportive the past two years, Game Parlor’s not really known for offering much in the way of support for events. (It’s possible they contributed to past years’ WNPG’s Toys for Tots events; I’d be happy to be proven wrong.)
On further reflection, I think it’d be better if it were “Battle for the Cure – Fantasy” (or something along those lines), and not “Clash for the Cure.” Seems like better branding to me… though interclub friction (and the avoidance thereof) might have been the motivation for that.
Anyway: riding the high from BftC, I was inspired to take the very epic looking High Elf Mage from the Island of Blood box (who’s been sitting around, looking epic and awaiting inspiration), and paint him pink. Bill D.’s working on a whole pink High Elf army specifically to use at CftC; this guy, I think, will look great with them. So, I’m going to give this to Bill (I don’t think he follows this, so it should be a surprise). I’ll probably stand it as my single pink figure competition, though.
There’s a lot of stuff I’m not happy about with it. This is the first elf I’ve painted, and pink is an immense pain in the ass to paint… but it’ll do. I’m pleased that I got three different kinds of pink (the pink of the energy, the pink of the cloth and the pink of the gems) to look different… though the gems could have come out better.
Also, it’s been an eternity since I’ve used static grass… so that came out as kind of a disaster.
I really, really need to write up a post about how just using washes straight from the pot is a rookie movie, and how washes should always be mixed with other washes, matte medium and water. I did a lot of that here, and successfully.