Monthly Archives: August 2017

NOVA Open 2017 Inbound

The NOVA Open is this weekend, and unlike the past two years, I’ve got some pretty clear direction about what I’ll be doing.

It’ll be mostly Infinity, for me, as I take on a load comparable to doing the 40K tournament: 8 games over 3 days.  It’ll be 2 events, though: the Friday Joint Ops 3 game tournament and the Saturday/Sunday Dire States 5 game tournament.

I’m squeezing in a couple of seminars, too: I was able to get into one of Roman‘s seminars (Color Theory) and I’ll be checking out the 3D printing presentations.

I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to do the speedpainting competition this year: it was a blast, and I was looking forward to it… but there are simply no sessions not in conflict with something else. It’s a bummer.

I’ll be bringing Infinity (obviously), but I’ll also have Wrath of Kings with me (since Mike and I have yet to have the chance to play it since he moved back to the East Coast) and I’ll bring stuff for Shadow War: Armageddon, since I’ve yet to actually touch that game (and it will take very little space).

I did manage to jack up my back over the weekend doing yardwork, so I might be a little pokey, but hopefully I’ll be close to 100% by the time the convention hits.

I’ll be sticking around the hotel Friday & Saturday night, so I should have a good amount of time to hang out and such.

Infinity at NOVA Notes

I’m super-duper new to all of this (I’ve only done one Infinity Tournament), but have… over-committed to Infinity at NOVA (3 days, 8 games… you think I’d learn my lesson).
I’ve been working through the missions to try to get handle on what they mean, what they need, and how I should plan my lists. I’m sure I’ve turned up nothing new, but Robert P. suggested I share my notes on their useful to someone else.

To that end:

  • Missions: These are just the missions for the two tournaments in a single file
  • Notes: Just a distillation, for me, of how each are scored and other things that were buried in paragraphs about how Shasvasti impact ZO scoring.

These are just for the two events I’m doing, and I doubt there are any revelations (though I’m sure there are mistakes).  Sharing is caring, though, so here you go.

Weekend Workbench

Wrapped up some Frostgrave Gnolls earlier this week. Just about done with some Skeletons…

… so I'm about to start on some more Infinity figs for NOVA.

DCC Dark Sun Magic

Someone asked about doing Dark Sun with DCC on G+, earlier today – this is a thing that’s comes up before and will come up again.  From it, though, I noodled through what I think might be an alright mechanic to model the Preserver / Defiler casting mode Dark Sun is known for.


Wizards – Preserving / Defiling

When a wizard casts a spell, they must determine if they’re Preserving or Defiling.

Spell checks are 1d10 + (Caster level) + (Int modifier) + (Spellburning). Luck cannot modify this roll.


When Preserving, a roll of a 1 is “Lost. Failure.” Spellburn functions normally per the book.


When Defiling, a roll of a 1 is “Lost, failure, and worse!”  Spellburn does not function as normal.

Instead, the caster spellburns from lifeforms around them: they first determine how many points they wish to spellburn. 1d3 * that number is drained from any nearby creatures, evenly distributed (and randomly allocated as necessary). If an insufficient number of ability points are “available” to be spellburned, 1 square meter of earth will be killed and rendered unable to sustain plant life for each ability point shortfall (these will be the closest square meters to the caster that have not yet been killed).

DCC Neogi & Umber Hulk

I felt like converting Neogi to DCC this morning, so I converted Neogi to DCC this morning.

Neogi (d8): Init +3; Atk claw +5 melee (1d2+3) or bite +4 melee (1d4+3 plus slowing poison) or dominate missile fire (special, 30′); AC 16; HD 5d8; hp 23; MV walk or climb 30′; Act 2d20; SP slowing poison, immune to illusions; SV Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +3; AL L.

Slowing poison – The bite of a neogi confers a slowing poison. The target of a successful bite attack must succeed at a DC 15 Fort save or lose 1d4 Personality, regained as if spellburned. Adjust Will save accordingly.

Dominate – 3 times a day, a Neogi may attempt to impose its subjugate another creature to its will. The target must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or be dominated by the neogi for 24 hours. Refer to Charm Person: depending on Judge’s preference for allowing PC’s to be controlled, “dominated” is either equal to a failure on the 12-13 result (dazed for 1d4 rounds) or a failure on the 14-17 (complete control, no suicidal actions, etc).

Neogi, Great Old Master: Init +0; Atk swallow +0 melee (1d12); AC 14; HD 20d8; hp 90; MV walk 15′; Act 1d20; SP swallow, full of young, immune to illusions; SV Fort +3, Ref -3, Will +6; AL L.

Swallow – If the Great Old Master Neogi is able to swallow or is fed another creature, it will do 1d12 damage to that creature every round until it is dead or that creature is able to cut itself out by doing 20 points of damage (damage caused by other creatures do not count for this).

Full of young – Great Old Masters are full of writhing young neogi; if it takes damage from a piercing, slashing, or burning attack, 2d4 neogi will crawl out of the wound and attack.

Umber Hulk (d4): Init +0; Atk claw +8 melee (3d4) or bite +7 (1d10); AC 18; HD 8d8+8; hp 44; MV walk or burrow 20′; Act 2d10′; SP confuse; SV Fort +6; Ref +0; Will -3; AL C.

Umber Hulk, Dominated (1/Neogi): Init +0; Atk claw +6 melee (3d4) or bite +5 (1d10); AC 18; HD 8d8+8; hp 44; MV walk or burrow 20′; Act 2d10′; SP confuse; SV Fort +4; Ref -2; Will -3; AL C.

Confuse – Anyone gazing into the eyes of an Umber Hulk must make a DC 13 Will Save or become confused, unable to tell friend from foe. Roll 1d8, modified by Luck: (2 or less) melee attack the nearest party member; (3-5) take no action this turn; (6+) melee attack the nearest enemy.  At the beginning of a character’s turn, a character can avert their eyes to avoid needing to make the Will Save, but count as blinded (suffering a -4 penalty) for any rolls involving the Umber Hulk.