My hobby feels like it stalled in September. It didn’t, but it feels that way. I led a big push to get stuff ready for NOVA at the tail end of August, and then spent the bulk of September painting up Adeptus Titantics (which I need to get both on the table and into the lightbox), which took me most of the month. The rest, I spent slowly making some progress on another batch of Warsenal bases and farting around on video games.
I’m excited to start playing some Combined Army/Onyx Contact Force, but with the Michigan GT coming up I haven’t wanted to start on painting any of that… I basically won’t be able to play it until after Baltimore Brawl is in the rearview.
Fortunately, Nightvault came out, with terrain pieces that Shadespire really would have benefited from (I’ve been using some prepainted Mage Knight Dungeons terrain for want of better options), so I’m working on those as a nice little break/palette cleanser.