Yearly Archives: 2019

It Came from the Lightbox: Genestealer Cults

I picked up a few Genestealer Cult models a few months back for no reason other than that they look cool. I didn’t intend to paint up a 40K army of them (nor did I) but I certainly kept the idea of playing Kill Team with them on the table (I haven’t).

They’re painted up Duncan-style, per one of the WarhammerTV video guides. I deviated a little where it came to carapace and flesh, but otherwise, there’s nothing revolutionary here.

I’ve got to say: painting these was kind of a delight. I didn’t do it for any reason other than “I felt like it.” The Citadel method’s easy and produces good results with little effort. And Games Workshop minis really are pretty great, and it feels like it’s been a while since I painted them. (Not true, I’d just painted some Adeptus Titanicus before these, but that’s a little different.)

I think I might still have one batch left (Acolyte Hybrids? and an Acolyte Iconward?) but I don’t know that I’m likely to get to it soon. And I don’t think I’m likely to pick up any more, either.

But man, it felt good to just build a box of GW minis, paint a box of GW minis. Done.

It Came from the Lightbox: Monsterpocalypse

I’ve been powering through painting Monsterpocalypse and am, for the moment, fully painted. I haven’t been doing my best on them, to be honest; I’m just trying to get them painted quickly so I can play with them.

I’ve posted these guys before, but have added more units and the second Planet Eater monster since. I’m quite pleased with them; I think the colors are effective and the sharp lines of the armor really worked well with the airbrush.

I like and hate these guys. I think the color choices are strong here, but the execution is shit. I went about these guys absolutely the wrong way, and that meant they took three times longer than they should have.

I haven’t picked up the Cthul monsters yet, but the units painted up in no time at all.

I also picked up the Protectors starter. I probably won’t go further down this rabbit hole, but I’m pleased with how they came out. They’re painted Citadel-style: basecoat, wash with Agrax, clean up basecoat with same colors, highlight.

The buildings were a huge pain. Airbrushing them worked okay… except windows SUCK to paint. They are hell. The skyscraper back there looks like I was having a seizure while painting them. I finally gave up on getting them any better and just moved on.

Special shout-out to Phalanx Consortium for their Apartment Buildings. Not only were these a breeze to paint (I got to paint the windows before building them!), but they literally delivered overnight. I ordered them on a Thursday and they were in-hand that Friday.

Weekend Workbench

I’ve got a bunch of stuff waiting for varnish, but I’m out. Definitely don’t want to mess around with those resin MonPoc buildings without a LOT of varnish.

Just about done blowing through my Cthul units. They’re painting stupidly fast: just a lot of waiting for wash to dry.

Kind of just killing time at this point until my Jackal Designs table gets here and I can start working on that. I’ve got everything MonPoc painted up for the Destroyers with this final batch except for the two Cthul monsters, Hammerklak, and the new buildings.

10 Year Anniversary

10 years ago today, I threw my first post up on this thing back when it was hosted on Blogger.

I’ve never thought Warpstone Pile was a great name, but I’d decided that a blog with not a great name was better than no blog because I could never find the best name.

Just about 6 years ago, I dumped Blogger in response to Google killing off Google Reader.

I might not post here as much as I’d like (honestly, I’d probably post more if the WordPress app photo upload feature was more reliable), but it’s still something I think about and is still going.

Monsterpocalypse – Planet Eaters

I bought up some MonPoc when the game first released, but didn’t get the chance to play it more than twice.   I love giant monster movies, so it’s very much in my wheelhouse.

Even though I don’t expect to get the chance to really play it, I picked up a starter for the new version anyway because I like the idea of the game so much.

I painted everything I had up this past weekend.  This was a speed-paint job: I did the airbrushing of the armor plates last weekend, then blew through the flesh on Sunday.  It could be better, but I’m very satisfied with the effort to result ratio here.

Also, now I’ll be able to play the game (or not).

I’ve got a new phone, so a new camera, and it did weird things with colors in response to my usual backdrop.  I took these in front of the white, and they came out more true, but still weird.

Work to be done, clearly.

Not much going on here.  The armor is:

  • GW Stegadon Green
  • GW Thunderhawk Blue
  • VMC Dark Blue Grey
  • VMC Blue Grey Pale

Everything airbrushed on going for contrast save the Blue Grey Pale, which was edged on with a brush.  I also inked in around mouths with thinned GW Incubi Darkness

The flesh is lazy; just trying to not draw the eye away from the armor:

  • VMC Dark Grey
  • GW Stormvermin Fur
  • VMC Neutral Grey
  • GW Dawnstone

All drybrushed on.

Weekend Workbench

Ground out a bunch of Monsterpocalypse over the weekend, and I’ve got a couple of Genestealer Cultists that I’m working though to cleanse the palette.

2018 Year in Review

(This is super late.  I drafted most of this in early January, got distracted.)

I saw someone say something to the effect that that 2018 was a rough decade.  I have a hard time disagreeing with that.

Despite that, 2018 was A Year of Infinity for me.  I ran my first Infinity tournament at Huzzah and, thanks to a lot of help, it was a huge success!  On the basis of that success, I continued running those tournaments on a quarterly basis and upsize one of them into a full-fledged Dire States event.   I played in something like a dozen tournaments and even did some traveling for one.  That’s pretty cool.

It’s also the first time I helped out with NOVA Open Charitable Foundation.  I’m very selfish about NOVA – it’s the only big gaming convention I get to go to, so my time there is for me… but I can certainly spend a little time outside of it helping out.  I ended up helping out with two off-season auctions.

Year In Review

  • In January, I continued working on my Infinity table, which ultimately took several months to do.  I blew through a Necromunda gang in very little time, which was refreshing… even though I’ve yet to do anything with them play-wise.
  • Feburary had my first Infinity tournament at Huzzah and, I think, finished my Xi Guan table.
  • March was Madicon, of course. I helped out painting some Varangian Guard for NOCF.  I also started making my own tokens and wrote what I think was a pretty helpful article about it.
  • April was more Infinity painting.  I started on Yu Jing.
  • May was my second tournament, just as successful as the first one.
  • In June I painted up a St Isaac force for Dark Age because there was going to be a DA event.  I wasn’t able to make it to that, though, and I ended up giving it to NOCF to auction off.  (Black Friday had me repurchase the same models.)
  • In July I gave Age of Sigmar an honest try.  I bought and built a bunch of Nighthaunts and really worked through the book.  I’ve yet to play with the models, though, and I still find the setting bland-to-bad.  I tried.  I really, really did.
  • I crammed painting most of the ISS sectorial into August, in plans of running them at NOVA.  We did a NOVA prep tournament, which was small for us, but that was expected.
  • September was NOVA, of course.  I did better here than I expected, but it’s still a rough field. I spent literally the rest of the month painting Adeptus Titanicus.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Infinity Travel Team drove to Michigan in October for the Michigan GT.  It was a blast… but I might still be recovering.
  • November was a blur: I painted a bunch of mercs, and played in my second Baltimore Brawl.
  • December kind of didn’t happen. I moved around the furniture in my hobby room, which was disruptive, and did a ton of travel, which was also disruptive.  In the end, I painted nothing. In the end, I pretty much just played video games.  I did run a quarterly on my birthday, though.

Hobby Charts

2018 was productive: I’m not surprised that it was less productive than 2016 & 2017, but I got a lot done in it.

As usual, I did more building than painting.  That’s not likely to change, as I’ve gotten into a routine of painting for a few hours in the early evening and then building models while I watch TV with my wife.

No surprise here: a crapton of Infinity.


2018 Goals

My 2018 goals were light: the standard three.

  • Finish, PaintSuccess. I finished a Warsenal table, dang near anything I could need for the ISS sectorial, everything else I might need for the Corregidor sectorial, a couple of small project for NOCF, a Necromunda gang that’s yet to see action, and all of the Adeptus Titanicus models I picked up.  I’ve been in a really healthy place where I take on a handy-sized project, work it, then move on to the next one.  That’s where I want to be.On the other hand, I built an AoS army that I’m not likely to make any headway on any time soon.  I’ve picked up a disconcerting amount of A Song of Ice and Fire models that will stay bare plastic.
  • CompeteSuccess. I’ve been playing a lot of Infinity.  I’d like to play more, but I’ve been getting a lot of games in and have been having a blast.  This is the first year in a long time that I haven’t entered anything into a painting contest, though.  This continues to feel like a healthy choice, however.

I feel less driven to do specific things.  It’s hard for me to project what I’ll be working on 6 months from now, and the games I’m playing don’t really call for that.    I’m going to leave the standard three in place for 2019, but that’s it.

  • Finish
  • Paint
  • Compete

The Old Dominion Disagreement

I have no idea why I haven’t posted about The Old Dominion Disagreement here before now. (Actually, I’m quite sure that it’s because November & December have been a fugue-state of overcommitment, but never mind that.)

On February 2, 2019 I’ll be running the inaugural Old Dominion Disagreement (ODD), a Dire States Infinity tournament, and I’m pumped as hell about it.  You can find more information about it in the Facebook ODD Facebook group.

This will be the first VA Dire States event, and at 50 players, it should be the largest Infinity tournament in the state. (I’d have expected it would have been NOVA, but no: Dire States must be standalone events and I think we’re on track to edge out the attendance for the 2-day NOVA Infinity tournament.)

On the trip back from the MichiganGT, Wilson/Masterofmelee brought up how we should do a VA Dire States; Baltimore Brawl been running for years and has a 50 person turnout, NOVA’s running at 40-to-70 depending on how you reckon it, and the Huzzah quarterlies have been getting just shy of 30 consistently.  I’ve got a little sheet of what, Infinity-wise, is going down in the Mid-Atlantic month-by-month and quarter-by-quarter, and February looked like the least-worst option: turns out there’s a lot going on.  It’s falling a little closer to the LVO than I’d like but that can’t be helped: if we have to schedule around events happening two timezones away, we’ll never get to have an event. (We did schedule around Rumble.)

We’re at 50 people, and were full in less than a month.

I’ve gotten an insane amount of help tracking down prize support or the event: Lee/Forbino1, Erick/BMinusCPlus, and Lewis/Myomer have all been hugely helpful in finding companies willing to send us stuff for free or cut us some deals on stuff to put into the prize pool.  I don’t think I, personally, have shaken loose a single sponsor (save talking to Huzzah about the support they’re giving us).  If you get a prize at ODD, it’s not ’cause I tracked it down for you.

The event goes down just about a month from today.  Odds that I post about it here afterwards are… better than not.

Now, we just need to get a PA Dire States up and running, and maybe we can do an MD-OH-VA-PA circuit going like those Four Corners cats.