Monthly Archives: November 2018

It Came from the Lightbox: Nomads & Mercenaries

I painted up a couple of random Nomads & Mercenaries to fill out some options.

Lupe Balboa, obviously.

I needed a second Missile Launcher and Sniper Rifle so I have better options when linking Alguaciles.  Also, a fifth Jaguar when running Corregidor.

Khal Drogo to be my third Yuan Yuan (first non-Fat Yuan Yuan)

This is my Raoul Spector conversion: mostly a Bashi Bazouk, with a few bits from a Hellcat to make it feel more like a Nomad.  He’ll also fill in as a Yuan Yuan if it ever makes sense for me to run four Yuan Yuans.

A Krakot Renegade.  These guys seem really useful, so it’s good I’ve got one painted up.

I also painted up a Xenotech I’m pretty happy with, but he’s got to be held back for the Mayacast thing.

Su Jian

It Came from the Lightbox: ISS

I painted up almost the entire ISS Sectorial in a couple of months leading into NOVA.  Right now, I think I have the whole sectorial painted (except for the named bounty hunters and a CSU, I think?).

It Came from the Lightbox: Shadespire Terrain

I’m glad they finally put out some obstacles for Warhammer Underworlds.  These were basically a single sitting’s worth of work.  I forgot to photograph the throne, but who cares: it’s pretty dumb looking.

I’m happy with how the glowing pyramids came out.

It Came from the Lightbox: Adeptus Titanicus

Turns out I haven’t photographed anything I’ve worked on since…. before NOVA.  Time to fix that.

These are the models from the Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master set.  I spent the better part of a month working on these: I’m quite happy with them… although I haven’t had the chance to play the game yet.  It’s my understanding that the game plays better with some Reavers & Warhounds, but I’m having a hard time finding it in my heart to buy more models for this game until I’ve pushed these around.

No deliberate house here: I just picked colors and decals I thought would look good.

Thursday Workbench

Not feeling well + burnout at work had me calling in sick today.

So, I’m doing some housework and painting.

A few more Alguacil special weapons and a Jaguar to fill out some options in Corregidor, plus Lupe, a third Yuan Yuan, and my Raoul Spector conversion (who will, at times, be called upon to serve as a fourth Yuan Yuan).