Year in Review
This thing’s going to be easier to do than 2020’s.
I spent pretty much all dang year buttoned up, working myself to death at work and hobby.
There was a bright moment back in June/July after my vaccination had dialed in but before the Delta wave hit were I got to start gaming again. During that time, I got to play one game each of:
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Age of Sigmar 2E
- Infinity N4
- Saga Age of Magic
Those four games, then life in the form of visiting family and some jury duty closed the door on more games until Delta really hit and remember when that looked like it was a lot?
Lots of hobby, though. This is from the start of the Pandemic to +600 days.

I might do this again in March at 2 full years (since I think that’s how it’s going to go) but probably won’t: this was a huge hassle.
I did completely quit Facebook which has certainly isolated me from a lot of the larger gaming discourse but it really has been for the best. I don’t miss it, and I do think my overall quality of life is better for dumping it. Recommended.
Hobby Charts
Yeah, so I’m at twelve full years of this stuff. 2021 wasn’t as frenetically productive as 2020, but I’m very much OK with that.

In terms of just painting models: this was kind of a normal year. I think I’m OK with that.

Clearly quite a bit more AoS than anything else by a lot. Probably even more than last year, if I count the Saga Age of Magic stuff along with it. That’s surprising, because I don’t feel like I spend that much of the last year painting AoS.

This is the big disappointment. I don’t feel like I picked up that much more than I painted but clearly: I’m wrong. Hopefully I can do better in 2022.
I went pretty stripped down for 2021 and I think I hit them.
2021 Goals:
- Finish – Success. I finished a bunch of projects: Battlefleet Gothic, Age of Sigmar Kryptboyz, a CNCS Heavy Gear list, a full Infinity List, got the Crimson Fists I’d painted in 2020 up to a playable list, and painted certainly enough Battlemechs to play BT.
- Paint – Success. See above.
- Compete – Failure. What the heck was I doing leaving this in the list? This wasn’t gonna happen!
2022 Goals:

(Almost, but not exactly.)
- Finish
- Paint
Compete– Yeah, no.- Declutter – After about two years cooped up at home, I’m starting to feel a little crowded. I need to declutter: gaming books I’m not going to use, games I’m not going to play, minis I’m not going to paint need to get gone. I also need to really get off my ass and get rid of every video game and system I’ve hung onto since the 80’s. I’m not getting back to them.