Monthly Archives: January 2014

Rogue Trader – Random NPC Crew Generator


I had a little downtime on a flight last week, and was rereading some of the “Vornheiming Middenheim” posts I’d shoved into Evernote before taking off and started thinking about what I could steal modify from them in anticipation of the Rogue Trader game I’m (finally) kicking off later this week.

(Speaking of which: I’m not sure I’ve done a clear job of mentioning that I’ve been planning to, and am finally kicking off a Rogue Trader game.  I’ve put up an Appendix N for it here.)

The first thing I pulled together was an adaptation of Jeff Russell’s Middenheim NPC Generator.  40K being, in many way ways (some of which are about as literal as they come) basically Warhammer in Spaaaaace, this should look remarkably like the Middenheim one… just a little more 40Kish.

I started with the d4-d20 spread, but the d4 “Race” chart didn’t provide value and was quickly replaced with a “Department” chart that couldn’t be contained by less than a d20.  So, instead, it’s a d6, d8, d10, d12, 2d20 jam.  Also, this is really a first-pass.  I don’t doubt that there’s room for revision here.


d6 – Age/Gender d8 – Demeanor d10 – Appearance d12 – Motivation
1 Old Man Aggressively Bored Comfort
2 Man Cravenly Corpulent Curiosity
3 Young Man Drunkenly Drenched in Fluids Decency
4 Old Woman Earnestly Exhausted Faith
5 Woman Eloquently Fastidious Gelt
6 Young Woman Haughtily Over-stimmed Hatred (good kind)
7 Rudely Proper Hatred (bad kind)
8 Sarcastically Shabby Power
9 Spacesick Rank
10 Starving Safety
11 Shit-stirring
12 Viciousness

Can I just point out that I’m extremely satisfied with myself over having separate “Hatred (good kind)” and “Hatred (bad kind)” entries? I mean: “Hate! Hate! Hate! / An emotion as pure as it is deep! / Hate! Hate! Hate! / Let it flow, let it run free!” – Inspirational Verse, Imperial Hymnal Vol. IV


I gave the departments 40Kish (ie: gutteral pseudo-Latin) names where an established 40K term didn’t already exist.  I’ll likely scan back through them to see if Greek doesn’t offer up more interesting bullshit nonsense names.

And, really, I strongly suspect that only 20 entries isn’t enough.  This ship has a facility for maintaining its servitors… but doesn’t have a Medicae, for example.  (Though I suppose that says a lot about how well it values its crew…)

d20 – Quirk d20 – Department
1 Augmetics Anima Facilitatus (Life Support)
2 Believes a trivial heresy Augury
3 Chem-junkie Cogitator Maintenance
4 Corrupted by Chaos Constructorum Team
5 Deserter Cubiculum (Cargo Hold)
6 Dutiful Gellar Fields
7 Failed Mechanicus initiate Janitosi (Custodial)
8 Family has worked this duty for generations Macro-Saggitarium (Gunnery)
9 Involved in Black Market Munitorium
10 Normal… too normal Naviculus (Small Craft) Maintenance
11 No teeth Naviculus (Small Craft) Pilot
12 Only speaks in High Gothic (poorly) Plasma Organus (Engines)
13 Overly religious Praestes (Ship’s Security)
14 Reports everything to commissars Servicius (Ship’s Service)
15 Secret mutation Servitor Maintenance
16 Terrified of everything Shrine
17 Unaware psyker Teleportarium
18 Void-born features Void Shields
19 Wanted in-system Vox
20 Xenos-pervert Warp Engines

And, because such is prudent, a few sample rolls:

  • [5, 3, 4, 10, 12, 10] – [5] Woman, [3] Drunkenly, [4] Exhausted, [10] Safety, [12] Only speaks High Gothic (poorly), [10] Munitorium
  • [3, 5, 2, 11, 19, 14] – [3] Young Man, [5] Eloquently, [2] Corpulent, [11] Shit-stirring, [19] wanted in-system, [14] Servicius (Ship’s service)
  • [2, 8, 10, 7, 18, 20] – [2] Man, [8] Sarcastically, [10] Starving, [7] Hatred (bad), [18] Void-born features, [20] Warp Engines
  • [6, 7, 1, 10, 14, 8] – [6] Young Woman, [7] Rudely, [1] Bored, [10] Safety, [14] Reports everything to commissars, [8] Macro-Saggitarium (Gunnery)
  • [4, 5, 8, 2, 7, 15] – [4] Old Woman, [5] Eloquently, [8] Shabby, [2] Curiosity, [7] Dutiful, [15] Servitor Maintenance

That’ll do okay.

Wednesday Workbench

Wednesday Workbench 20140129


As it turns out, there is a direct correlation between not being able to do hobby stuff and not doing hobby stuff.

They’re just about done, at least.

Wednesday Workbench

Wednesday Workbench 20140122


Just a quick snapshot of what I’m mid-stride on: some Deadzone Rebs (the humans).

I’ve actually gotten a couple of other things done; I just need to photograph them:

Dr. Simmonds got painted up quickly, since I still had my Plague scheme on my mind, and Blaine got started with this bunch (brown coat, see), and ended up getting knocked out along the way.  

I also did the two Rebs Drones, as well as Recon N32-19’s weird little floating thing (despite the fact that I don’t even have the Enforcer models to run Recon N32-19 with). I’m using GW flight stands for them (the stands they come with are garbage), so if I wanted to paint them and their base and not fog up the clear flight stand with Dullcote, it was just easier to hurry up and do them than to partially assemble them and remember to swap this out for that, etc, before varnishing them.

Hopefully, I’ll have these humans done by this time next week, and I’ll start in on a batch of the Yndij, Sorak, and Grogans.  (With the remaining figures going into probably two batches.)

After that, I think I’ll return to working on Saga for a unit or two, as well as endlessly deliberating on what Hell Dorado models to start on.


Hell Dorado’s Here!


Just a quick note: my Hell Dorado Kickstarter finally showed up!

I’ve been really pumped about this: I got super-excited about the game back in mid-2007 when a friend and I had to buy the minis from Fantization, who wasn’t so much Asmodee’s distributor as they were the only people who were just importing the damn things from France.   When Asmodee dropped the game, I was sad; then happy when, in 2009, Cipher picked up the license; then sad when they did nothing with it, while games I don’t particularly like (:cough: Malifaux :cough:) that fill a similar niche caught on; then back to happy when the Kickstarter was finally announced.

Digging through the box, everything’s here, which is unusual for a Kickstarter that’s so add-on finicky.  Bravo.  This cannot be overstated: when a company like Mantic (which isn’t GW big, but’s bigger than Cipher big) can’t get the fairly straightforward Deadzone pledges right, it’s both notable and laudable that Cipher got theirs right when there are so many freaking variations.

My book’s mangled to shit, though, so I’ll have to see if I can get a replacement.

Really pumped about the game: I’ve had the full run of Demons and Lost (er Démon and Égarés) up until Asmodee dropped the game (though, to be honest, several of them are still in their boxes in the hobby closet. With this, I’ve caught up the two factions, and picked up a respectable number of Westerners (which I hope to also use in some Baroque-era tabletop games).

Deadzone – Plague

01-2014-01-11 12.11.54

Deadzone showed up last month; on-time for a Kickstarter, which I think entitles them to a medal.  A gold-star, at least.  (Let’s not beat the dead horse about how I’d have been happy to wait a few more weeks to let them do some QC.)

I probably should wrap some words around how feel about the game.  Short version is: so far, I like it.  Kind of a lot.

Anyway, out the gate, I decided to paint up the Plague starter first.  At the time of the KS, I wasn’t interested in them at all: they’re the one starting faction for which I didn’t get the booster.  Also, I figured they’d paint up the easiest; I expect that’s held up.

I speed-painted them over two weeks (hey, for me, that’s speed-painting; and those two weeks had Christmas and New Years squatting in the middle of them).  They’re far, far from perfect but, let’s face it, these are not amazing miniatures. I don’t know that they deserve a better paint job.

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The Gen 1 is actually a pretty great mini.  It’s one of the standouts, I think. There are some weird casting issues with it, but they’re minor.  Nothing a little green stuff couldn’t fix without the tiniest amount of effort.

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06-2014-01-11 13.05.29

The Gen 2s, on the other hand, are godawful.  Creepy baby heads. Weird poses. Kinda sketchy detail.  These are bad.  But they’re done.

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Gen 3s are okay. They’re not great… but not bad, and they get a bit of a pass because they’re mutant zombies.

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Plague Hounds look like the worst minis of the bunch unpainted, but I guess they turned out okay.

Like I said: with the exception of the Gen 1, none of these are good minis… but they’re better than the Mantic Kings of War Orcs I’ve saddled myself with, and they paint up easily.  That I like the game a lot helps, too.