Deadzone! Rebs! Fully painted! (Part I.)
These dudes have actually been done for about a month; most of the ones pictured here have been done even longer. Wrapping up the last few models had been tough due to being way, way too busy and then finding time to actually photograph them was even tougher.
I hadn’t even planned on painting them; or at least not hot on the heels of the Plague models. I wanted to assemble them and play with them, but the “flight stands” that accompanied the Drones and that weird floating sphere thing that comes with N32-19 are garbage, so I wanted to use GW flight stands and bases for them. With priming and varnishing and such complicating any plans to assemble them now, paint them later, I just decided heck with it: paint them now. Once they were done, pushing on seemed the most natural thing to do.
For the most part, I’m quite pleased with them. The brown and grey is a neutral base that’ll go with anything, allowing me to do each alien species differently while maintaining a unified, coherent look. The red spot color also pulls everything together.
Unusual, for me: the grey is all craft-store paint. I used it on the Drones because I felt like it, was happy with the results, and after the black-armored studio scheme felt like a disaster, I switched back to the Charcoal -> Rain Grey -> Quaker Grey scheme I normally use on terrain.
I did the humans first. For the most part, I’m very pleased with them, but something about the way the Commander’s face came together doesn’t sit well with me. It’s actually one of the better minis to come out of the Kickstarter, so that’s a bit of a shame.
Given that I have less than no interest in Dreadball, I’m pretty uninformed about all of these different Mantic Warpath/Dreadball alien species. Unhelpfully, where GW drowns you in potential color schemes, it can be really, really difficult to find studio paint schemes for some of these guys.
I think the Yndij are supposed to be orange? Well, I decided they were feline enough and would look painted like lions. I think I was right.
The Grogan are kind of forgettable, but they’re not bad. I think the orange here photographed better than it looks in person.
Fuck the Teraton. This would be a great, distinctive mini, except some jackhole decided it needed stupid looking and, even worse, ultra-fragile blades coming off of its arms. Three of those four blades have broken off, and one of them has broken off more times than I can count.
All of my hate.
The Sorak’s characterful. I like him. I put another one in the Second Wave survey.
Drones. Nothing special, but it’s their fault I painted the rest of the Rebs.
I’ve also finished the Booster, as well as a couple of Mercs. Since this post is pic-heavy enough, I’ll be splitting up the photodump across a couple of posts.