I picked up a few Genestealer Cult models a few months back for no reason other than that they look cool. I didn’t intend to paint up a 40K army of them (nor did I) but I certainly kept the idea of playing Kill Team with them on the table (I haven’t).
They’re painted up Duncan-style, per one of the WarhammerTV video guides. I deviated a little where it came to carapace and flesh, but otherwise, there’s nothing revolutionary here.
I’ve got to say: painting these was kind of a delight. I didn’t do it for any reason other than “I felt like it.” The Citadel method’s easy and produces good results with little effort. And Games Workshop minis really are pretty great, and it feels like it’s been a while since I painted them. (Not true, I’d just painted some Adeptus Titanicus before these, but that’s a little different.)
I think I might still have one batch left (Acolyte Hybrids? and an Acolyte Iconward?) but I don’t know that I’m likely to get to it soon. And I don’t think I’m likely to pick up any more, either.
But man, it felt good to just build a box of GW minis, paint a box of GW minis. Done.