So, obviously, the move from Blogger to WordPress has gone very smoothly.
Content was pulled over without a hitch.
I’ve clearly got a lot of layout & look-and-feel stuff that I still need to do, but that’s just a matter of sitting down and powering through tweaking the CSS.
Need to find a good slideshow plugin. Also, a good blogroll plugin.
In a perfect world, I’d love to find a utility that would parse through all of my posts, download the images from Picasa Web, then upload them to my blog, updating the image references. Such a thing should be technically feasible, but I certainly don’t know enough about WP (yet) to know how to do something like it. Am I the first person to want to do this? Does such a tool exist?
Also, I’ll have to ping out to blogrolls to make sure they have my updated feed.
Then: Blogger goes down and gets a redirect to here.