Tag Archives: Warcry

It Came from the Lightbox: Fomoroid Crusher

I’m just knocking out some random models and shrinking the pile of grey: I picked up the Warcry Chaos Monsters box a bit a go and was happy to make a little progress against it. Very happy with the result here: the blue is so effective.

It Came from the Lightbox: Da Kunnin’ Krew

I painted these for use in Warcry. I expected Mannok Da Kunnin’s face to be difficult to paint given the metal basket around his head but it actually wasn’t so bad

It Came from the Lightbox: Teratic Cohort

Had such a good time painting Kainen’s Reapers, I picked up the Warcry warband (and I had such a good time painting these I picked up the Vanguard.

It Came from the Lightbox: Night Goblins

(I prefer “Night Goblins” to “Gloomspite Gitz.”)

First off, I painted up the Gobbapalooza, because it seems like they’re incredibly useful and common to see in Destruction warbands in Warcry. They came, of course, in a box with a bunch of other Goblin models… so I moved on and painted most of those, too.


Other Night Goblins

It Came from the Lightbox: Xandire’s Truthseekers

It Came from the Lightbox: Royal Beastflayers

Lots I’m happy about with these guys, despite them coming out quite a bit greener than I’d expected.

Really, I’d have liked to have painted these guys ivory, but since they’re covered in bone… that’d be a mistake. Went with green but the green is intense enough that they look a little Orky to me. The hair, though, and the flayed skin? Very, very happy with those.