Tag Archives: Painted Mini Gallery

It Came from the Lightbox: Bushido Ryu

Semi-locally, Bushido’s picking up some more heat which has forebrained it for me. One of the ways this manifested was an impulse to paint up the older Bushido 3E starter. It comes with 3 Ryu and 3 Ito models, and it’s kind of a good little demo box.

It Came from the Lightbox: Night Goblins

(I prefer “Night Goblins” to “Gloomspite Gitz.”)

First off, I painted up the Gobbapalooza, because it seems like they’re incredibly useful and common to see in Destruction warbands in Warcry. They came, of course, in a box with a bunch of other Goblin models… so I moved on and painted most of those, too.


Other Night Goblins

It Came from the Lightbox: Xandire’s Truthseekers

It Came from the Lightbox: Gremlins!

I painted these as my Christmas minis (Gremlins is a Christmas movie); wrapped them up shortly afterwards. These are from Crooked Dice.