Man, these guys are kind of a hassle to build. They were kind of BS in 5E, but I’m now much more sympathetic to folks who ran them ’cause, dang: kind of a pain.
Wound allocation’s not quite as BS anymore, so there’s not a lot of motivation to build every Nob differently. I’m liking Big Choppas on them a lot: for +2S for 5 points seems like a solid default choice. After a few test games, it’s clear I definitely need to run at least one Power Klaw. A Bosspole seems always worthwhile, and the Waagh! Banner looks really good for price.
Unfortunately, there’s only one Nob Torso in the bike kit, and only one Big Choppa. A Waagh! Banner is woefully absent from the Warbiker kit, nevermind Painboy bitz.
So, I bitz-ordered some Nob Big Choppas. Unfortunatey, the two-handed ones… didn’t line up too terribly well with the Nob Biker torso. Vexing. So, pinning and green-stuffing happened.
I only got so many of them, though, and had to make use of the Warbike Big Choppa. I didn’t want the models to look identical, though. So, sawing, clipping, pinning, and green-stuffing happened.
Similarly, the Painboy: sawed the dude in half, and then (you guessed it): sawing, clipping, pinning, green-stuffing. the usual. I clipped off a needle, thinking it was flash (Finecast, etc), so I replaced it with some paperclip.
The Waagh! Banner is from the WHFB Orc Warboss kit. It seemed like a dang impressive banner that would look cool on a space motorcycle. Well, it turns out the Orc Warboss is a little weedier than a Nob Biker, because getting the arms to line up on the Nob Biker torso was not easy. LOTS of pinning, clipping and sculpting.
I ended up pinning and reposing the banner to the pole so it’d flow in the right direction.
The left arm… looks a little weird. I’ve mitigated that a little bit, I think/hope/pray by widening the pauldron over it. This’d be easier with a Space Marine, I think. I don’t think it’ll be too bad when it’s painted.
So, those are the Nob Bikers. But that’s not all: I knocked out two Dakkajets (one while waiting on election results) with, like, zero trouble.