It Came from the Lightbox: More Minotaurs

I painted up a Minotaurs Intercession Squad for Kill Team two years back, but with the new Kill Team edition conflating the Intercession Squad and Strike Force Justian into the single Angels of Death list… I had some gaps in option coverage. So I knocked out the three models I needed: a Captain, an Eliminator, and a Heavy Intercessor.

It Came from the Lightbox: Fomoroid Crusher

I’m just knocking out some random models and shrinking the pile of grey: I picked up the Warcry Chaos Monsters box a bit a go and was happy to make a little progress against it. Very happy with the result here: the blue is so effective.

It Came from the Lightbox: Da Kunnin’ Krew

I painted these for use in Warcry. I expected Mannok Da Kunnin’s face to be difficult to paint given the metal basket around his head but it actually wasn’t so bad

It Came from the Lightbox: Sylvaneth Spearhead

Breaking my catch-up of unposted painted model picks: I finished these guys yesterday and got them into the lightbox this morning.

Got a bug up my butt about the leaves looking kind of elm-y and that elms have a beautiful golden yellow in autumn… and with as frigid as it’s been the last few weeks it was tough to think about painting these green and spring-like. So: autumnal.

I’m quite happy with how they came out, though getting that golden yellow took many, many, many coats. I think the results are worth it, though.

Very displeased with the models themselves, however: all those branches and arrows are incredibly fragile. If you look closely you can see all bits that broke off while painting them.

It Came from the Lightbox: Gnomes (Gloomspite Spearhead)

Warp Miniatures makes these magnificent gnomes and I’ve had them for a while. We’ve started playing a lot of Spearhead at the game store, so I got a bug to print off enough to counts-as them as the Gloomspite Gitz spearhead and paint them up.

I’m quite happy with them! I’m looking forward to printing off and painting their Mouse Cavalry to run as the new Gitmob spearhead, once we know what’s in it (and my printer is fixed).

Here’s a photo in front of a black background because I’m still playing around with that.

I want to note that I did paint these little fellas’ eyes because yes. I gave them pink, magenta eyes because they’re magical little forest fairies.

And I used fluorescents so that, in the right circumstances, they’ll glow with sinister menace…

It Came from the Lightbox: Evil Horde

I’ve had these since they came out (and the rest of the line should be shipping soon?), but have put off painting them because the Horde is my favorite line in MOTU, as my shelfie will attest. I don’t know why I decided to rip the bandaid off, but I’m glad I did: I don’t think these look as good as my Masters of the Universe or Evil Warriors but I’m still happy with them.

I was very concerned about how Scorpia would come out. Painting makeup is hard! The point of it is to make features more extreme, but doing it on a mini… it’s easier to just make the model look like the Joker than like a human being with makeup. I don’t know that it shows terribly well in this photo but it came out looking really, really good.

It Came from the Lightbox: Teratic Cohort

Had such a good time painting Kainen’s Reapers, I picked up the Warcry warband (and I had such a good time painting these I picked up the Vanguard.

It Came from the Lightbox: More Cyberpunk Combat Zone

I knocked out the Arasaka Downsizers box to supplement the Arasaka I’d painted previously.

Also did a couple of mercs, some selected entirely because I’d put off assembling them until the end: those crab drones needed pinning into the base, and that media drone needed a clean acrylic flight stand. Noodle chef was because I was already painting white ninjas. Krampus was because t’was the season.

It Came from the Lightbox: More Stormcast

Spearhead’s been seeing some action at the store for the past few months, so I knocked out a Thunderstrike Chariot because, given my existing set of painted Stormcast, it was the only model* I needed to paint to be able to field a fully painted Stormcast army.

* If James Workshop didn’t want me to proxy my everyone-has-a-bunch-of-them Vindictors for not-everyone-has-a-bunch-of Vanquishers he’d have kept the Spearhead to Vindictors.

This gives me a fully painted Yndrasta’s Spearhead!