Got this stuff into the lightbox yesterday. I’d been putting off photographing the team bases, because, as we know, 15mm figures are not attractive on their own… only en masse.
Anyway, should be the last you hear about it for a bit, I promise.
Here’s the CiC, 2iC, and various weapons:
The 7.7cm FK96 n.A. battery & limbers:
The Maxim HMG platoons, as well as the bunkers and gun nests they can deploy into.
Some objective markers:
One of the three Stoss platoons. The exercise of setting all of these up in the lightbox began to feel like a Soviet military parade, so I decided to just photograph one platoon each of the Stoss and Infanterie.
The Infanterie Platoon:
And, finally, a photodump of the final, weathered, A7Vs.