Tag Archives: Necromunda

Necroumnda - Enforcer Ogryns

It Came from the Lightbox: More Genestealer Cults & Necromunda

Early last year, I painted up a few kits of Genestealer Cults because I felt like it. I told myself maybe I’d play Kill Team with them, but really: they’re neat models and I felt like painting them. In the end, I picked up a few more Genestealer Cult models than I ended up painting and they’ve been rattling around the shame pile since.

No longer!

They’ve all gotten LoF arcs in the off-chance I actually play Necromunda with them at some point.

Actolyte Hybrids

Can I just say: Genestealers on 25mm bases are tall, unbalanced and weird. Genestealers on 32mm bases are unimpeachable. They’re flawless. I love them.

Iconward & Genestealers

I also banged out the box of Slave Ogryn models in pretty speedy time: I did 2 each for my Goliaths and Enforcers and then 2 more just in their own scheme. I also painted up the Enforcer Null & robo dog.

Goliath Necromunda Ogryns
Enforcer Necromunda Ogryns
Unaligned Necromunda Ogryns
Scrutinator-Primus Servalen

Oh and hey somehow I never put the Ambots on the lightbox.

It Came from the Lightbox: Goliath Backup

I’ve been painting Necromunda because why not? Hopefully I’ll be able to play the dang game after the Quarantimes have ended.

I actually tee’d all of these up like a month ago but got really disheartened by how they were coming along. I’m glad I came back to them: I think they actually came out really well.

The Sumpkroc is based on a toad we see every night while walking the dogs.

Necromunda - Enforcers

It Came from the Lightbox: Necromunda Enforcers

I feel like I need to defend the decision to paint these guys. I don’t know that I can, besides noting that I’d bought them before the police violence had gotten out of control, they’re fundamentally just another gang, and I just like felt like painting them.

I’m loving the blue here. I love the blue so much I’ve decided to paint up a bunch of Crimson Fists because I need to live in it some more.

It Came from the Lightbox: Genestealer Cults

I picked up a few Genestealer Cult models a few months back for no reason other than that they look cool. I didn’t intend to paint up a 40K army of them (nor did I) but I certainly kept the idea of playing Kill Team with them on the table (I haven’t).

They’re painted up Duncan-style, per one of the WarhammerTV video guides. I deviated a little where it came to carapace and flesh, but otherwise, there’s nothing revolutionary here.

I’ve got to say: painting these was kind of a delight. I didn’t do it for any reason other than “I felt like it.” The Citadel method’s easy and produces good results with little effort. And Games Workshop minis really are pretty great, and it feels like it’s been a while since I painted them. (Not true, I’d just painted some Adeptus Titanicus before these, but that’s a little different.)

I think I might still have one batch left (Acolyte Hybrids? and an Acolyte Iconward?) but I don’t know that I’m likely to get to it soon. And I don’t think I’m likely to pick up any more, either.

But man, it felt good to just build a box of GW minis, paint a box of GW minis. Done.

Necromunda - Goliath Gangers

It Came from the Lightbox – Necromunda Goliaths

Finished the gangers; here they are.

They turned out pretty well, I think.  I used the Warhammer TV painting guide because I didn’t really want to think through how to paint them.

I went a little off-script in painting a couple of them black: I’m still not happy with my approach to African skin, but I’m not going to dial in on one that works great unless I keep trying.  I also painted their eyes, and toned their faces, ’cause that’s what I do.  Finally, I gave a couple of them some tattoos.

I regret not drilling out their weapon barrels.  I normally do that, didn’t, and I think they suffer for it.  At least, I’ll have to go back in and dot some black barrel holes on them, I guess.  It also wouldn’t kill me to go in and freehand some stuff in white on the red armor.